Monday, August 10, 2009

Blogging from Amish Country


It's true.

I kind of fell off the face of the blog-related earth for a while being superbusy with my summer job and all, and I figured it was time to get back into the groove of blogging again.

So here I am!

Right now, I'm in good ole Amish Country in Pennsylvania. It smells like horse poop everywhere I go, because there are horses and their buggies everywhere I go.

I'm in a town called Bird-in-Hand, right outside of Intercourse. It cracks me up every time.

I wish I had more to say, but I am exhausted from the 6 hour ride here. (But I should probably point out, I didn't do any driving!)

Friday, May 29, 2009


I can't remember a time in my life where I've felt exhaustion like I am now.

Everyone warned me going into my current Orientation Leader job that it would be a very long, tiring process, and even though sessions haven't even begun yet, I understand exactly what everyone means now.

We've been working it seems non-stop for a week straight now, and it's all been very, very fun. It really is amazing the level of bonding that is occurring between such a seemingly different group of people. It's hard because already I can tell that there are some people on staff with me that I don't click well with due to personality differences. Even so, I know that I only have to deal with these people on a professional level, and although I would love to be the best of friends with everyone, that goal is unrealistic.

Tonight is the first night this week that we don't have "in building time" to do work. But because we all have to be up at 6 AM tomorrow to work at Commencement (graduation), I am most likely going to be asleep by 9:30 p.m, with any luck.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ich bin allein.

For those of you who don't speak German that well, the title of this blog means "I am alone". 

This won't be an emo entry, I swear. I don't mean alone in the relationship, emotional sense (even though I am! ha). I am alone, physically right now.

I moved into my new room, the place that's going to be my home for the next two months. 

It's funny because I know that 2 months should SEEM like a long time, but it doesn't feel that way at all. I look on a calender, and I just KNOW that this summer is going to to fly by. Pretty soon, that September air will roll around once again and I know it's time to get into school mode. 

I'm so excited for the summer, and I can honestly say I haven't felt that way in a long, long time.  It seems that the past two summers, I had people in my life that were hindering me from looking forward to it; a boyfriend I knew I wouldn't see as much as I like, a friend who I know would interrupt things between other friends. But this summer, I've got some amazing people living with me here in Lowell and I can FINALLY say goodbye to the bad influences and bad people I tend to gravitate to back home in Boston. 

I still have so much unpacking to do, I should get some rest now. <3

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'm going to implode

It has been absolutely forever since I've written this thing. Like I always say, I'm going to start updating more often. Hopefully, this time I mean it though. 

I took my last final of 2008-2009 today, and I am thrilled. I'm so relieved and worried for it to be summer. I'm SO ready to stop having to waste my brain capacity retaining information I don't give a crap about, but at the same time, I'm nervous for what the summer may (or may not) hold. 

It sort of hit me today; summer has begun. I spent the day at the beach with some friends, and it was amazing. Aside from the ocean being like, negative million degrees, it was beautiful: not a single cloud in the sky, not too hot, not too crowded. It was amazing.

This summer, I'm working for UML as an Orientation Leader. Tomorrow, I kind of start my job. We have a day-long leader retreat that I'm going to, which should be fun. 

I think I would enjoy it more if I wasn't battling a sore throat. =)

Monday, May 4, 2009

New York Aftermath

Sorry, kids for the wait once again.

 My real life has suddenly become fairly busy and I haven't gotten around to  blogging. I need to invest in some type of fancy phone I can use so I can tweet and blog my little heart out wherever I go. 

Anyways, I got back last weekend after a couple days in New York with some Connector kids. NYC was awesome.

There was no real drama, I got see a lot of cool sites I've never seen before, and best of all, we met Darnell. 

Now Darnell was no ordinary New York bum: no, Darnell was a special, toothless man who will forever be engrained in my heart. 

Speaking of hearts, I also saw Alkaline Trio right now (I'm subtly referencing their heart/skull logo), and it treated me out. Me and my boy Alan got some King Cobra 40's, saw some Saves the Gay and had a good old time. 

Sometimes my life is so great. I don't say it enough. =)

I have an EPIC research paper due Wednesday night thought, and after 4:30 tomorrow night, I'll be long gone from any time of academic mode. (It's Cinco de Mayo; I'm getting margaritas, and then going to a non-Cinco de Mayo party). So, yeah. That's that. I should go work on my paper now. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I wonder what's going to happen...


I got stood up last night (per usual) and was told I was going to have it "made it up to me". I wonder if it will actually happen. I already blogged about this in my last entry, but I just don't get why friends do this to each other. 

Tomorrow night I'm supposed to go to a Red Sox with a different friend, one I have a little more complicated history with, and because I haven't spoken to him in like two weeks, I wonder if he's even still taking me. 

It's not going to be a good week if I get bailed on twice in 48 hours. 

On another note, I'm doing some work on my computer right now and all I can smell is cigarette smoke and it's driving me crazy. I hate cigarettes so much. I've never smoked one, but I can't imagine why anyone would want to do that to themselves. They just smell so bad. 

Although, I do have to admit that the smell is actually growing on me. It must be from hanging around so many smokers lately. It seems like smoking has caught on again, like it's 1989 again or something. 

In case you haven't noticed, I'm totally just talking about nothing while I'm waiting for a friend to meet me for lunch. Hopefully she won't bail, too! Ha ha

Monday, April 20, 2009

those three small words

If "I love you" are the three small words women love to hear, then "if you want" are the three words women absolutely hate.

Nothing- seriously, nothing- is more infuriating then when a friend or boyfriend or invites you somewhere and follows it up with a "if you want". 

The thing is, when you invite us somewhere, we get excited. We think, "wow he wants to hang out with me, that's cool!" But then BOOM, we're hit with the "if you want" bomb,  which really translates into "if you have to."

I just don't understand why people do this; it's men, it's women, it's shitty people everywhere. Why invite a person somewhere if you don't really want them there? And, if you honestly don't have a preference, then just simply say something like, "Just let me know if you are coming by". 

So stupid.