Friday, May 29, 2009


I can't remember a time in my life where I've felt exhaustion like I am now.

Everyone warned me going into my current Orientation Leader job that it would be a very long, tiring process, and even though sessions haven't even begun yet, I understand exactly what everyone means now.

We've been working it seems non-stop for a week straight now, and it's all been very, very fun. It really is amazing the level of bonding that is occurring between such a seemingly different group of people. It's hard because already I can tell that there are some people on staff with me that I don't click well with due to personality differences. Even so, I know that I only have to deal with these people on a professional level, and although I would love to be the best of friends with everyone, that goal is unrealistic.

Tonight is the first night this week that we don't have "in building time" to do work. But because we all have to be up at 6 AM tomorrow to work at Commencement (graduation), I am most likely going to be asleep by 9:30 p.m, with any luck.

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