Friday, April 17, 2009

This isn't interesting at all

It's hard to not indulge in negative feelings when you're already down, so just bear with me. 

First of all, I'm suffering from wicked hormonal problems because, well, I'm a girl and once a month this happens to us. (I know that's probably TMI, but whatever, you can deal with it). 

Secondly, I am just so tired. But I can't sleep. Last night, I gave up a night out with friends to stay home and sleep in my biggish bed at home so I could get a lot of rest. But it didn't happen, and I can't figure out why. My body is exhausted physically and my mind is tired emotionally, so you would think I would just fall asleep. But after 2 shots of Nyquil and 2 natural herb sleeping pills later, I still found myself wide awake, staring at the damn TV.

It's 8 p.m. on a Friday night and I am soooo tired. Nothing sounds more appealing to me right then downing a nice vodka and cranberry, popping in a CSI DVD and going to sleep for a good twelve hours. I tried to nap after classes but the damn marching band kids practice on Friday afternoons so I could not. I am going out dancing tonight, at a gay club with my gay friend, and I honestly hope it's as fun as I'm anticipating. Life's been a little emotionally staggering lately and I could use a good picker-upper. 

Tomorrow night is MetalFest, and even though I was originally planning on going to the festivities for the entire day, I don't foresee that happening. I am going with a friend, who is so hot and cold to me; when we get along, we get along really good, but sometimes- most of the time, actually- he's just such a prick and I literally want to hit him. 

And then it will be Sunday, and I have to see a person I promised myself I'd never let myself see or speak to again. Ugh. FML?

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